11:49 PM

VB6 Send mail without controls

This code will help you send mail from your VB6 form without Winsock \ inet \ webbrowser1 or any other controls.
This code uses the CDO.Message method.

Option Explicit

Dim msgA As Object 'Define the CDO

Private Function GmailSend(xUsername, xPassword, xMailTo, xSubject, xMainText)
    Set msgA = CreateObject("CDO.Message") 'set the CDO to reffer as.
    msgA.To = xMailTo 'get targeted mail from command
    msgA.Subject = xSubject 'get subject from command
    msgA.HTMLBody = xMainText 'Main Text - You may use HTML tags here, for example <BR> to immitate "VBCRLF" (start new line) etc.
    ' HTMLBODY is a STRING, do not try to link a multilined textbox to it without using the ''replace'' function for 'VBCRLf' with '<BR>' (example later)
    'Notice, i simplified it, however, you may use more values depending on your needs, such as:
    '.Bcc = "" ' - BCC..
    '.Cc = "" ' - CC..
    '.CreateMHTMLBody (" 'send an entire webpage from a site
    '.CreateMHTMLBody ("c:\program files\download.htm) 'Send an entire webpage from your PC
    '.AddAttachment ("c:\") 'Send a file from your pc (notice uploading may take a while depending on your connection)

    'Gmail Username (from which mail will be sent)    
    msgA.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = xUsername
    'Gmail Password
    msgA.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = xPassword
    'Mail Server address.
    msgA.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = ""


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